How Can PT Help Tennis Elbow?

physical therapy near White Plains, NY

Have you ever had Tennis Elbow? If you have, you know it doesn’t have anything to do with tennis. Tennis Elbow is known to be a kind of Tendonitis, which is the swelling of tendons and ligaments. It commonly happens to people who are frequently gripping something in their hand, Mostly repetitively gripping something with their thumb or first two fingers. It usually affects individuals who are 40 years old but can happen to anyone of any age. If you think you may be suffering from Tennis Elbow and are searching for physical therapy near White Plains, NY, contact New York Sports Medicine Institute today and schedule your appointment!

What is Tennis Elbow?

Tennis Elbow is the type of condition that develops over time; you wouldn’t just wake up with it. The main cause of this is performing repetitive movements over and over while gripping something in your hand. Using a screwdriver constantly or holding a racquet are leading causes of Tennis Elbow. Simple activities like weight lifting or painting can also cause microscopic tears in the tissue of your elbow. In several cases, it can heal on its own. But if that doesn’t seem to aid the issue, you may be recommended for physical therapy treatment. If you happen to be searching for physical therapy near White Plains, NY, contact New York Sports Medicine Institute today!

Symptoms of Tennis Elbow

The bony knob on the outside of your elbow is where the injured tendon connects to the elbow bone. If you begin to feel pain and tenderness in that knob in your elbow or feel pain when picking something up, you may have a Tennis Elbow. The pain can also shift into the lower and upper parts of your arm. Other symptoms of Tennis Elbow Include:

  • Pain While Lifting an Object
  • Making a fist or grabbing an object
  • Struggle to open the door or shake hands.
  • Difficulty straightening your wrist or raising your hand.

Why You Would Need Physical Therapy

Utilizing physical therapy is a great way to treat this condition. A physical therapist can teach you other ways of gripping objects to prevent Tennis Elbow from happening to you ever again. Physical therapy will improve strength, flexibility, and blood flow to the tendons. Other benefits of using physical therapy treatment to aid this issue include:

  • Pain Relief- Therapists will give you an ice massage, muscle stimulation, tapes or braces, and an ultrasound.
  • Finger Stretching Exercise- Therapists will have you put your fingers to your thumb and put a rubber band around it, repeatedly opening and closing your thumb. 
  • Ball Squeeze Exercise- You will hold a soft rubber ball in your hand and squeeze it repeatedly for 25 times each rep.
  • Wrist Stretching Exercise- You will put your arm straight out and will stretch your hand upwards, pulling your fingers back toward your body to stretch your inner forearm. You will do the same with your hand facing downwards, pulling downwards to stretch the top of your forearm.
  • Wrist Turning Exercise- Bend your elbow at a 90-degree angle and turn your wrist downwards, so your palm is facing down. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat.
  • Forearm Strengthening Exercise- Grab a 1-pound dumbbell and hold it by the bottom, not the middle. Put your forearm on your thigh and slowly turn your palm up and back down to the ground multiple times. 
  • Eccentric and concentric Exercises- Take a 1-2 pound dumbbell and bend your elbow 90 degrees with your palm facing the floor, lower the weight, then raise it back up. Then put your arm straight out, palm facing the floor, and lift the weight up and down multiple times.

Other Options for Treatment

Not all patients who suffer from Tennis Elbow need physical therapy treatment. Some individuals just need a break to heal and simpler treatments like:

Ice– Reduces pain and swelling.

Elbow Strap– Protects the tendon in the elbow.

Taking Anti- Inflammatories– Ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin.

Steroid Injections– This can ease pain and swelling for a short time but may not help in the long term.

Why You Should Choose NYSMI

At New York Sports Medicine Institute, our doctors strive to provide hands-on care and attention to ensure your recovery process. We will serve anyone who is three years and up, treating any condition that’s sports-related or affects the elbow, knee, hand, shoulder, hip, wrist, ankle, or foot. We know all about Tennis Elbow and how overuse can cause this condition over time. We will provide physical therapy treatment that will not only bring you back to health but will make you feel even better than before! If you think you may be suffering from Tennis Elbow and are searching for physical therapy near White Plains, NY, contact New York Sports Medicine Institute today and schedule your appointment!