Can An ACL Tear Heal On Its Own?

orthopedic surgeon NYC

An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear is one of the most common knee injuries. Athletes who play sports like football, soccer, basketball, and volleyball are most susceptible to ACL tears. Thankfully, surgical and nonsurgical treatments can heal an ACL tear. Our orthopedic surgeon in NYC can guide you towards the best form of treatment and help you carry it out. At New York Sports Medical Institute, we can help patients overcome knee injuries like a torn ACL.

What is an ACL tear?

An ACL tear damages the ligament located in the center of your knee. A ligament is a tough band of tissue that connects bones. The tear to your ligament can be partial or total, depending on the severity of the tear. Not only will it immediately hurt if you tear your ACL, but your knee can buckle or make a popping sound too. 

Causes of ACL Tears

ACL tears most often occur when physical activity is involved. Some of the different ways you can injure your ACL is by doing the following:

  • Suddenly stopping after running
  • Slowing down when running
  • Landing awkwardly from a jump
  • Changing directions suddenly, resulting in twisting your knee
  • Colliding with someone else, like during a football tackle.

Symptoms of an ACL Tear

Directly after tearing your ACL, you might hear a “pop” in your knee and feel as if it has “given out.” Other symptoms associated with a torn ACL include:

  • Pain
  • Tenderness
  • Discomfort when walking
  • Immediately swelling
  • Decreased range of motion in the knee

Diagnosis of an ACL Tear: Orthopedic Surgeon NYC

When diagnosing an ACL tear, our orthopedic surgeon in NYC will first rule out other possible knee injuries and compare your injured knee to your other knee. Our doctor will request your medical history and your symptoms. Imaging tests such as an X-ray or MRI will then be ordered. Our specialist can use an X-ray to check for broken bones in the knee. An MRI shows the ligaments, which will detect a torn ACL. However, imaging tests will not always be necessary because a torn ACL can easily be detected from your symptoms.

Treatment For an ACL Injury: Orthopedic Surgeon NYC

An ACL tear cannot heal on its own, so some form of treatment is required. Immediately after injuring the ligament in your knee, it is advised to do the RICE method. The RICE method consists of the following:

  • Rest
  • Ice
  • Compression
  • Elevation

Minor ACL tears can be treated using the RICE method. By staying off your feet for periods, icing your knee, elevating your leg, and wrapping an ace bandage around your leg, you can allow the ligament to heal. However, more intense tears need more attention. Further treatments can include:

  • Prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling and pain. 
  • Knee braces to provide additional support to the knee.
  • Physical therapy to exercise and strengthen the muscles around the knee.
  • Surgery with our orthopedic surgeon in NYC in severe cases.

ACL Tear Surgery

Our orthopedic surgeon in NYC grafts a tendon from another part of the lower body to repair a torn ACL, such as the hamstring or kneecap. Grafting a tendon from your own body is less likely to re-tear. In older patients, a cadaver tendon may be used. The surgeon uses an arthroscope, a thin wand-like instrument, to make small incisions in the knee and reconstruct the torn ACL.

Healing an ACL After Surgery

After having surgery, you should keep the wound clean and dry. Ice should be used to reduce pain and swelling, and a brace and crutches can be used to keep you off your leg. It can take anywhere from six to nine months of physical therapy for an athlete to return to their sport. By that time, there will no longer be pain or swelling. The range of motion should fully be restored along with balance, strength, and endurance. The level of function before the injury is returned.

Contact Our Facility: Orthopedic Surgeon NYC

A torn ACL can hold you back from participating in the sports you love. It is essential to seek treatment from an orthopedic surgeon in NYC to get back to a full recovery. At New York Sports Medicine Institute, we can diagnose and address all your sports injury needs. Contact our team today to meet with our specialist.