15 Jul How Do I Check for a Concussion?

A concussion is one of the most common types of brain traumas that can occur for most patients. In a study conducted by the CDC, an estimated 3.8 million people in the United States reported having a concussion due to sports or recreational activities. This number is a true depiction of how common it is for concussions to occur, especially in those between the ages of 5 and 19. You may be wondering, why does it occur in younger individuals rather than older ones? Well, it’s been proven that various contact sports have a direct correlation to an increased chance of getting a concussion. It’s critical that if you suspect you have a concussion, you get treated immediately. Detection can often be the hardest aspect of dealing with a concussion. Some patients may even be aware that they’ve suffered this brain injury.
If you or someone you know has a suspected concussion and is in need of treatment or a definitive diagnosis, schedule an appointment with our staff at New York Sports Medicine Institute. We offer specialized concussion care in Westchester County that can help to detect and effectively treat your concussion. Our multidisciplinary team of professionals are well experienced in the area of concussion treatment and can provide you with the highest level of expertise on the assessment and treatment of your brain injury. First, it’s imperative that you educate yourself on how you can identify a concussion.
What is a Concussion?
The brain is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid to provide a cushion-like layer. During the event of a concussion, the brain is forced up against the inner walls of the skull. As a result, bleeding in or around the brain may occur. This can cause both short and long term side effects, which can affect your everyday function.
The Common Causes
As previously stated, contact sports is one of the most common causes of a concussion. The types of sports that are closely related to increased concussion injuries include:
- Football.
- Men’s and women’s soccer.
- Men’s and women’s basketball.
- Wrestling.
- Rugby.
- Boxing.
- Hockey.
Other causes can consist of harsh acceleration or de-acceleration of the head. This can occur during a motor vehicle accident, being shaken vigorously, falling or even during some recreational activities. If you have experienced or performed any of the above-listed activities, it’s important to keep a keen eye on the signs and symptoms of a concussion. Upon detection of these symptoms, concussion care in Westchester County can assist your treatment. This can allow you to detect your injury early on and get the proper treatment necessary for recovery.
The Signs and Symptoms
There are many symptoms that can occur after a concussion injury takes place. Some of the most prevalent signs of a concussion consist of:
- Feeling of pressure in the head.
- Sustaining headaches.
- Confusion or fogginess.
- Feeling of dizziness or “seeing stars.”
- Nausea.
- Vomiting.
- Temporary loss of consciousness.
- Ringing in the ears.
- Extreme fatigue.
- Sensitivity to noise and light.
Being that this type of brain injury occurs more often in younger individuals, determining whether toddlers have a concussion or not can also be a difficult task. Looking out for these particular signs and symptoms in children can be helpful:
- Excessive crying.
- Having a dazed appearance.
- Crankiness and irritability.
- Lack of interest in usual activities and favorite toys.
- Loss of balance when walking or standing.
- Increased tiredness.
Assessment and Treatment Options
At New York Sports Medicine Institute, we utilize Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing, or ImPACT, to assess our patients with possible concussions. This is one of the most widely used and scientifically validated concussion evaluation tests available. In addition to our thorough ImPACT assessment, we utilize the advanced technology of EyeBOX. This is a non-invasive medical device used to help accurately diagnose a patient’s concussion and is available in Westchester County. This form of testing can help to accurately depict the presence of a concussion and it’s level of severity. We not only offer baseline assessments utilizing the EyeBOX but also follow up ImPACT testing as well to ensure that the treatment plan instilled is being executed to its fullest potential. At NYSMI, we provide concussion care in Westchester County through services such as:
- Pre-season screening of individual athletes and teams.
- Baseline neurocognitive/ImPACT assessments of individuals and athletes.
- Balance/vestibular testing and rehabilitation therapy.
- Comprehensive post-injury neurocognitive/ImPACT assessments.
- Educational workshops for coaches, athletes, parents, students, and school nurses.
Treatments may vary depending on the severity of your concussion. Rest is one of the most important treatment methods when it comes to recovering from a concussion. It’s recommended that you not only allow your brain time to physically heal but mentally as well. Resting may mean taking time off from playing sports, not attending full days of school or work, or not performing everyday activities that cause physical exertion. After your doctor determines the degree of your concussion injury, he will recommend the best treatment plan for you.
Concussion Care in Westchester County
If you have been searching for quality concussion care in Westchester County, contact us at New York Sports Medicine Institute. Through our individualized approach, we are able to thoroughly evaluate and effectively treat each of our patient’s concussion injuries. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get the proper care for your concussion today!