Lacrosse is a contact sport that creates a risk for many injuries to occur. Fast running, hitting into each other, throwing, catching, and blocking for both men and women’s lacrosse gives an opportunity for ankle, wrist and many other types of injury to occur to the body. Our Orthopedist in Tenafly, NJ, New York Sports Medicine Institute offers a variety of treatments to help you with your injury. Offering treatments for many parts of the body such as the shoulder, knee, wrist, foot, ankles, and more, New York Sports Medicine Institute is here to help you with your sports injuries. Our orthopedist in Tenafly, NJ also provides concussion care to help you to a full recovery. Lacrosse injuries can vary in severity so it is very important to see a doctor to make sure your injury heals correctly and fully or it may worsen over time.
To learn more and for more information on common lacrosse, injuries click here or contact our orthopedist in Tenafly, NJ for an appointment!
There are many injuries that can occur while playing lacrosse. Most commonly they involve falling or twisting an ankle or wrist the wrong way but a variety of injuries can occur at all different severity levels. For some injuries, such as a minor sprain, at-home care such as rest and ice can treat the injury to full recovery but other injuries such as a concussion or ACL tear are much more serious and require a doctor for treatment. Overusing muscles, ligaments and the body can cause many injuries over time without a direct incident causing the injury, so it is important to make sure your body is getting rest and you are not overworking any muscles.
Some ways to prevent injury during the lacrosse season are to stay in shape, healthy eating, giving your body rest days, effective preseason conditioning, and making sure you are wearing good gear that fits correctly for protection. Our orthopedist in Tenafly, NJ, New York Sports Medicine Institute offers treatments for many lacrosse and other sports-related injuries that occur. Contact us for help and make an appointment today!