09 May How to Tell if Your Hip Pain is Serious?
Have you been feeling pain in your hip recently and are not sure if it’s something you should be more concerned about? Well, just like any other major joint in the body the hip can suffer from various types of injuries and conditions. That is why New York Sports Medicine Institute is here to inform you of some of the most common types of hip conditions and the symptoms you should be monitoring. If you have been searching for orthopedics in Westchester County NY, contact us to schedule an appointment. At NYSMI, we specialize in offering our patients with the highest-quality orthopedic and sports medicine care possible. Continue reading to learn more about the various types of hip conditions, and their distinct symptoms.
The Hip
It’s important to first gain an understanding of the hips’ anatomy and what it’s main responsibility entails. This ball-and-socket joint is the largest throughout the entire body and its primary purpose is to provide support for the body in both static and dynamic stances. This weight-bearing joint is where the top of the thigh bone (femoral head) and the pelvis (acetabulum) meet. The ligaments that connect the ball to the socket allow for increased stability and movement. Bursae, or fluid-filled sacs, also help to cushion the hip when friction occurs between the tendons, muscles, and bones. Being that this is the largest weight-bearing joint in the body, it may come as no surprise to know that various hip injuries can arise due to several different conditions and traumas.
The Signs and Symptoms
Depending on the type of condition or event that is causing your hip pain to occur, you may also be feeling discomfort in your:
- Thigh.
- Groin.
- Glutes.
- Inside and/or outside of the hip joint.
In some cases, pain from other areas in the body can radiate down to the hip. The most common types of symptoms brought on by hip injuries and various medical conditions can include:
- Swelling and inflammation over the hip region.
- Tenderness of the hip.
- Loss of motion.
- Limping.
- Difficulty sleeping on the affected hip.
- Joint pain.
- Groin pain.
- Hip feels warm to the touch.
Common Causes – Orthopedics in Westchester County, NY
There are multiple kinds of medical conditions that are synonymous with hip pain, such as the following:
- Arthritis – occurs when there is a loss or absence of cartilage between the femur bone and the pelvis. This condition typically develops due to age-related wear-and-tear. Those living with arthritis of the hip can experience pain that gradually worsens over time, and decreased mobility and stiffness.
- Bursitis – this condition can develop if the sacs of fluid, bursae, become inflamed due to the friction when the various tissues of bones, muscles, and tendons rub together. This will typically occur when individuals perform repeated movements on a daily basis, such as painters, carpenters, and athletes.
- Tendonitis – tendons, or the thick bands of tissue connecting the bones to muscles, can become inflamed or irritated causing tendonitis. This is also a condition that can develop due to overuse and repetitive motions.
- Hip Fractures – fractures can occur for numerous reasons, whether it’s from a sports-related injury or old age. Typically those who have osteoporosis are susceptible to fractured hips. This condition causes the bone mass to become weak and brittle, allowing for fractures to happen easily. Depending on your case, the severity of your hip fracture can vary.
- Hip Impingement (FAI) – abnormal contact and friction between the ball-and-socket joint can result in a hip impingement, or a femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). There are two kinds of hip impingements and depending on your case you can be experiencing one or even both. FAI’s can become more agitated due to playing contact sports, which is why early detection and treatment is crucial for this particular condition.
How to Tell if it’s Serious? Consult With Orthopedics In Westchester County NY
Unless your symptoms subside on their own, the only way to rule out if your pain is serious or not is to visit a doctor. It’s recommended that if symptoms persist for longer than a week or if your pain worsens, you should schedule a visit to an orthopedic immediately. They can help to diagnose your specific condition. If you or someone you know is in need of an orthopedic in Westchester, schedule an appointment at New York Sports Medicine Institute. Our highly-experienced orthopedic specialists are well versed in the area of hip pain. They can help provide you with the best possible treatment plan for you, whether it’s non-invasive physical therapy or surgical procedures. Our orthopedics in Westchester County, NY, want to help