Is Walking Good For Knee Pain After A Fall On Ice?

Is Walking Good For Knee Pain After A Fall On Ice?

The winter season brings along the inevitable risk of slipping and falling on ice. While many falls only damage your self-esteem, they can carry a significant potential for injuries and pain in your knees. Going for a walk in the cold with knee pain may be the last thing on your mind, but it is actually quite beneficial. At the New York Sports Medicine Institute, our team is here to help you make a full recovery after a painful slip and fall this winter. Continue reading to discover the numerous benefits of walking for knee pain. 

How Does Walking Help Knee Pain?

Taking an unexpected spill on the ice is always an unfortunate experience, especially when you experience knee pain. When you’re dealing with knee pain, movement is likely the last thing on your mind. However, walking is a simple act that can significantly benefit painful knee joints. Here are some of the ways that walking can help with knee pain after a fall on the ice:

  • Relieved Stiffness – Walking stretches the muscles surrounding your knee joint. While it may be painful to move your joints after an injury, pain and stiffness can improve while walking. 
  • Weight Loss – If you are dealing with persistent knee pain, losing weight can be effective. Excess pounds can put more stress on the knees, so walking is a good form of low-impact exercise that can help you lose weight and improve your knee pain. 
  • Improved Balance – Sometimes, a fall can be caused by balance issues. Walking allows your body to stay aligned, improves balance and reduces your risk of falls. 
  • Strengthening – Walking helps strengthen your calf and thigh muscles, taking excess pressure off the knee joint. 

Walking Tips

Before starting a new exercise program, it’s essential to discuss your symptoms and current exercise regimen with our team at the New York Sports Medicine Institute. Keeping your provider informed will help ensure that you don’t perform any activities that aggravate your knee pain. Before you head out for your walk, make sure to wear comfortable clothes that do not restrict your movement, and wear comfortable shoes to support your feet and knees while exercising. Our team would like to share some tips to help both experienced and novice walkers get the most out of their regimen:

  • Attempt to walk at least three times weekly. You can increase your activity if your pain is improving. 
  • Walk at a lower intensity and increase your speed as you become more comfortable. You should be walking at a pace that allows you to hold a conversation and one that increases your heart rate. 
  • In the early stages of your walking regimen, walk for as long as possible. Gradually aim to exercise for around thirty minutes at a time. 
  • Start by walking on paths that are relatively flat and straight. You can vary your route by incorporating hills as your strength improves. 
  • After falling on the ice, you may be wary of walking outdoors. Make sure to walk on soft surfaces with texture to avoid slipping in icy weather. You can also walk an indoor track.  

If you are not seeing any improvements in your knee pain from walking, our team will thoroughly examine your condition to determine the root cause of your pain. If you suffered a knee injury after falling on ice, we offer several treatment options to restore functionality and get you back on your feet in time for the spring. 

Contact Us

Knee pain after a fall on ice can be frustrating, but implementing low-impact walking into your routine can help you find much-needed relief. At the New York Sports Medicine Institute, our team is dedicated to helping you feel your best all year round. To learn more about our knee pain treatments, be sure to contact us today!