Lacrosse is one of the fastest-growing team sports in America. It is played by girls and boys and is played by people of all ages, including student-athletes. There are a lot of elements to the sport, including endurance running, explosive movements, quick changes in directions, and physical contact with sticks, the ball, and occasionally other players. This combination can lay the groundwork for many sports-related injuries if the player is not careful or prepared. If you have been injured playing lacrosse, reach out to New York Sports Medicine Institute to talk to a sports injury specialist NY, and get the help you need today.
Because of the various components in a game of lacrosse, there are certain injuries that are much more common for players to receive. By putting the stress of high speed, agility, and explosive movements on their bodies, lacrosse players are more vulnerable to certain injuries. While lacrosse is a moderate risk sport with most injuries resulting in minor strains, sprains, and bruises, there are other more significant injuries that can occur. If you have received an injury from lacrosse, and need to speak to a sports injury specialist in NY, contact us at New York Sports Medicine Institute and see how we can help! Some common lacrosse injuries include:
In the advent of any injury, the player should stop and get an assessment. For minor injuries, rest, ice and elevation are generally enough treatment. However, in cases of more serious injuries, longer periods of rest, as well as rehabilitation and in some cases surgery may be required. To meet with a sports injury specialist NY and get evaluated and treated, call us at New York Sports Medicine Institute and make an appointment.
There are many steps players, coaches, and officials take to prevent injuries while playing and practicing a sport. By following these steps, injury rates can be brought down and limited. Some things to keep in mind to prevent injuries include:
Although lacrosse is a moderate risk sport, without the proper education and safety procedures injuries and mistakes can occur. Depending on how severe the injury is, and how appropriate the treatment you get is, injuries can take off game and practice time, and affect your long term health. To speak with a sports injury specialist NY and get the proper assessment and treatment you need, reach out to us at New York Sports Medicine Institute and make an appointment today!