22 Jul Recovery From a Triceps Tear
As an athlete, overuse injuries are nothing new for participants. The need to continuously push your body past its boundaries is part of what it takes to be successful and lead your team to victory. However, you must remember that this needs to be done safely. Failing to do so can lead to some unfortunate injuries, such as tricep tears. Although this type of injury is rare, our team at New York Sports Medicine Institute can help those suffering from this issue. Dr. Neil S. Roth, our sports medicine specialist, is well versed in overuse injuries and will create the ideal treatment regimen to help you recover from yours.
What Are Your Triceps?
Healthy tricep muscles are especially important for athletes whose sports require constant throwing, such as baseball (especially those pitchers). These muscles run from the back of the shoulder to the back of the elbow. Their primary role is to hold the elbow straight as well as offer support and stability during throwing motions.
Symptoms To Watch For
As we’ve previously stated, triceps tears are an unlikely injury. However, even though they are rare, it does not mean that it cannot happen to you. While you may think playing through pain is the way to go, this could be detrimental to your health. If you begin to experience any of the below symptoms, we recommend you contact our team right away:
- Inability to straighten your arm.
- Bulging or swelling around the back of your arm and near your elbow.
- Experiencing a popping sensation at the time of injury.
- Pain when activating your tricep muscles.
- Limited range of motion.
- Weakness around your tricep, elbows, or shoulder.
What Causes Triceps Tears?
Pushing your triceps past their normal range of motion is the main cause of triceps tears. This event will take place when you place a force on your arm that exceeds the strength of your muscle fibers. Trying to throw further or faster than your arm can handle is a typical culprit.
Treatment for Triceps Tears
When it comes to triceps tears, there are times when rest and instability are all that is needed to make a full recovery. However, for many instances, this would be wishful thinking. An injury as severe as this will often require surgery to correct. Dr. Roth or Dr. Delaney will be able to operate to correct the structural damage that you are suffering from. Depending on the spot of your tear and its severity, the operation can include:
- Tendon augmentation.
- Direct reattachment to the bone.
- Grafting.
Preventing Injury
While surgery can help get your tricep back to full strength, you must remember that it will not be an overnight process. It will take weeks and sometimes months of rehabilitation after surgery to get your arm back to complete full strength. That is why our team recommends you do everything in your power to keep your triceps strong and free of injury. To do this, we’d recommend making a habit of performing the below exercises:
Pull Downs
- Tie a resistance band onto a sturdy object that is at chest level.
- Hold the band in both hands while keeping your elbow at a 90-degree angle.
- Keeping your shoulders back and elbows against the sides of your body, pull the band down until your arms are straight.
- Hold this position for five seconds before returning to the starting position.
- Rest your left knee and hand on a bench.
- In your opposite hand, hold a dumbbell and keep your arm at a 90-degree angle.
- Bring your arm back and straighten your elbow before returning to the starting position.
- Repeat this motion 10 times before switching to the opposite side.
Contact Us
The road to recovery following a triceps injury can be a difficult one, which is why you’ll need a team of experts at your side. At New York Sports Medicine Institute, our team can provide you with the treatment you need to get you back to full strength. For more information about what goes into treating this injury, and how we can help, contact us today!