Reducing Risks Of MCL Tears

Reducing Risks Of MCL Tears

Medial collateral ligament (MCL) tears are prevalent injuries among athletes that can seriously hinder performance and mobility. At New York Sports Medicine Institute, our orthopedists specialize in treating various injuries affecting the knees. If you are an athlete concerned with protecting your knees, there are various steps you can take to minimize your risk of MCL tears and stay on the field with your teammates. Continue reading below to discover more about lowering your risk of this painful knee injury. 

What Is An MCL Tear? 

The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is one of the four main ligaments responsible for stabilizing the knee. The MCL prevents the knee from buckling inward or collapsing. MCL tears are a highly prevalent injury that can make any knee movements painful and keep you from the activities you enjoy. Some of the signs of an MCL tear include: 

● Tenderness along the inner side of the knee 

● Swelling 

● Difficulty with weight-bearing activities 

● Instability when walking 

If you have an MCL tear, it is essential to seek treatment right away in order to prevent further injury. An orthopedic surgeon will be able to accurately diagnose your condition and create a tailored treatment plan that may include rest, exercises, and medications to reduce pain and inflammation. Depending on the severity of your injury, surgery may be necessary to fully restore your knee joint’s strength and stability. Surgery for an MCL tear typically involves reattaching or replacing the torn ligament with a piece of tendon from elsewhere in the body. The procedure is typically done on an outpatient basis, with the patient returning home the same day. Recovery time can vary depending on each person’s situation, but typically patients can return to activity within two to four weeks. Athletes should closely follow their treatment and recovery plan to ensure a speedy and safe return to play. If you suspect that you may have an MCL tear, New York Sports Medicine Institute is here to help! 

Reducing Risks Of MCL Tears 

While not all MCL tears are preventable, there are several steps you can take to significantly decrease your risk of developing this painful injury. Here are some tips for reducing your risks of a tear:

Strength Exercises – Strengthening the muscles around your knees is essential for proper knee stability and can help prevent tears. Specifically, exercises like squats and lunges target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and adductors—all muscles that support the MCL. 

Stretching – Dynamic stretching can help improve your range of motion and help you move more efficiently during activities. 

Footwear – Wearing supportive shoes with arch support and cushioning is also vital for helping to protect your knees from impact forces when running or jumping. ● Warm-Up and Cool-Down – proper warm-up and cool-down techniques before and after activities can help reduce the risk of MCL tears. This includes stretching, foam rolling and dynamic movements to help get your muscles ready for action. 

An MCL tear can be a painful injury that keeps you from participating in physical activities. However, with proper strengthening exercises, supportive shoes, and proper warm-up and cool-down techniques, you can reduce the risk of an MCL tear. With these tips, you can stay active and prevent serious injury. 

Contact Us 

If you think you may have an MCL tear, it is crucial to seek expert orthopedic care as soon as possible. Our orthopedic specialists at New York Sports Medicine Institute can help diagnose the injury and provide you with a treatment plan to get you back on your feet. Our staff is committed to helping you protect your knee health and manage any injuries that may arise. Be sure to contact our orthopedists today to learn more about reducing your risks of MCL tears.