14 Feb Repetitive Motion Disorder
As an athlete, repetitive motions are an essential aspect of success in a variety of different sports (we see you, pitchers). Through both practices and games, you can perform the same motion thousands of times to obtain that sought after muscle memory. But, have you ever stopped to think about the negative effects that these motions can have on your body? Just like tires on a car, parts of your body can become worn down, leading to injury. Luckily, Dr. Neil Roth at the New York Sports Medicine Institute is here to provide expert orthopedic care. By providing orthopedic surgery in New York, he can help you recover from an array of injuries, including repetitive motion disorders.
What are Repetitive Motion Disorders?
Repetitive motion disorders are not a singular condition, but rather a large group of differing conditions. Repetitive motion disorders typically affect soft tissues, nerves, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Some common examples of repetitive motion disorders that are known to affect athletes include:
- Swimmer’s shoulder.
- Pitching elbow.
- Runner’s/Jumper’s knee.
- Tendinitis.
- Bursitis.
Causes Of Repetitive Motion Disorders:
Though repetitive motion is the main contributor to these injuries, other factors can come into play. The below factors all contribute to the development of repetitive muscle disorders:
- Incorrect posture.
- Muscle fatigue.
- Performing a twisting motion in the arms and wrists.
- Insufficient rest between repetitive motions or activities.
- Overexertion.
Symptoms To Monitor
Our team here at the New York Sports Medicine Institute knows that as an athlete, it is common to pick up a few insignificant nicks and bruises throughout the entirety of a season. However, trying to compete through a repetitive motion disorder can have lasting complications that can derail your whole career. At times, you may not display any visible symptoms, but you could find it difficult to complete certain tasks. If you end up in this position or begin to experience any of the below symptoms, you’ll need to speak with Dr. Roth about orthopedic surgery in New York right away:
- Limited flexibility and range of motion in the affected area.
- Redness or swelling at the site of the injury.
- Feelings of numbness, pain, and tingling.
Lasting Complications
As previously stated, repetitive motion disorders are not something you should let linger. While you may think you can play through these types of injuries, doing so could be detrimental to your health. If you do not seek treatment right away, the nerves and tissues in the affected area can become compressed. You may also sustain permanent damage to your muscles, nerves, tendons, and ligaments.
Treating Repetitive Motion Disorders
There is no one size fits all treatment when it comes to repetitive motion disorders. It will depend on where the injury takes place and the exact type that was sustained. One tried and true form of treatment is the RICE method. This acronym stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Sometimes, allowing the body some time to rest is all it needs to begin healing itself. For more painful cases, over-the-counter or prescription pain medication can be used to help manage the condition. There are also instances when the only viable form of treatment that allows for a full recovery will be orthopedic surgery in New York. You can trust that if this is necessary, Dr. Roth will successfully operate on the affected area so you’ll be able to return to the field, ice, or hardwood!
The New York Sports Medicine Institute
Repetitive motion disorders have the potential to derail an entire season. However, our team at the New York Sports Medicine Institute will do everything in our power to ensure that is not the case. By electing to receive orthopedic surgery in New York, you can save yourself from future damage from occurring and speed up your recovery time. If you’d like to put an end to your repetitive motion disorder, request an appointment with Dr. Roth today!