For some throwing athletes, shoulder injuries can be all too common. Once the pain begins to rear its head, it may have you running to the internet to search for “sports physical therapy NYC.” If this is the case with you, look no further than Dr. Neil Roth at New York Sports Medicine Institute. A well-experienced sports medicine doctor, he’ll be able to diagnose the root of the problem and come up with a plan for treatment most suitable for your specific needs. Trusting Dr. Roth can help you avoid a lengthy recovery time and any potential long-lasting effects of the injury.
Due to the complexity of the joint, the shoulder is susceptible to an array of different injuries. Dr. Roth is a sports medicine specialist and can help treat athletes suffering from any of the following injuries:
After sustaining an injury, athletes want to return to the game as quickly as possible. Some will play through the pain, but this can aggravate the injury and have it become worse. Even if you avoid any additional damage, playing hurt often impedes your athletic ability. Visiting Dr. Roth will be the solution to your problem. Depending on the severity of the injury, different forms of treatment will be administered. For persistent irritation, our doctor may recommend a program of rest, ice, and heat to soothe the pain. In the case of tears and more pertinent structural damage, Dr. Roth may need to perform surgery. During the operation, he will repair any tears and reconstruct the damaged parts of your joint.
Even after undergoing an operation, you will not be out of the woods yet. You’ll still need to go through a rehabilitation program to help your joint fully recover. If you’re looking for sports physical therapy, NYC is the perfect location. You won’t even need to find a new team of professionals, as New York Sports Medicine Institute offers physical therapy as a supplemental form of treatment for all injuries! Through the use of various stretches and exercises, we’ll be able to help you achieve the following:
Though there are times where an injury is unable to be prevented, there are steps that can be taken to mitigate this risk. Dr. Roth wants every athlete to complete the entirety of their season without injury, which is why he’d like to offer the following advice on ways to both stay healthy and stop injuries from reoccurring:
Shoulder injuries are nothing to be scoffed at. After sustaining one, you should not assume you can play through it. Requesting an appointment with Dr. Roth at the New York Sports Medicine Institute will be your best bet, as he will properly diagnose and treat your injury. End the constant online searches for “sports physical therapy NYC” and choose the team at New York Sports Medicine Institute today!