Surgical Procedures For Bicep Tendon Ruptures

Surgical Procedures For Bicep Tendon Ruptures

Although they are uncommon, bicep tendon ruptures can be difficult to deal with for patients who’ve suffered this injury. If not treated promptly, you can be faced with copious amounts of pain and discomfort for some time. Fortunately, our team at New York Sports Medicine Institute will be able to help. Our sports medicine expert team can perform the surgical procedures necessary to repair your tendon and get you back to full strength. For more information on this injury and the operations that can be used for treatment, please schedule an appointment by clicking here

Types Of Bicep Tendon Ruptures  

Your bicep is home to three tendons that allow for healthy movement to take place. Any of these tendons can become ruptured, leading to the need for an operation to take place. They can become partially or completely ruptured, but either way, our team will be able to help. Examples of the different types of bicep tendon ruptures include:

  • Proximal biceps tendon rupture at the shoulder: This injury takes place when one of the tendons that attach the bicep to the shoulder ruptures. It often starts as minor fraying before becoming fully ruptured. If left untreated, it can cause damage to the shoulder.
  • Distal biceps tendonitis and rupture at the elbow: When a tendon ruptures at the elbow, it is usually caused by the joint being pushed straight by a heavy force. While you will still have your range of motion when this injury occurs, you’ll begin to lose strength the longer it is left untreated.

Symptoms To Watch For

As an athlete, letting injuries go unchecked can permanently damage a career. That is why you need to be able to recognize when a bicep tendon rupture has taken place. The sooner you seek out treatment, the more likely you are to be able to make a full recovery. When you begin to display any of the below symptoms, we highly recommend that you reach out to Dr. Roth for help:

  • A popping sensation at the time of the injury.
  • Pain and achiness throughout your arm and the injury site.
  • Inability to turn your palm.
  • Bruising and swelling.
  • Arm weakness. 

Diagnosing the Injury

If you’ve been experiencing any of the previously mentioned symptoms, you must schedule an appointment with our sports medicine expert team right away. We will be able to properly diagnose the rupture and then formulate what the best plan for treatment is moving forward. Below are examples of the diagnostic tests he may use:

  • X-rays: X-rays cannot be used to see soft tissue such as tendons. However, they can be used to rule out any other causes of structural damages such as fractures or dislocations.
  • Ultrasounds: Ultrasound can show if the tendon has recoiled up into the arm.
  • MRIs: MRIs can be used to show both partial and complete ruptures of the tendon.


When it comes to providing surgical treatment for your tendon rupture, there are many different routes our team can take. In some cases, an incision will be made on the front of the elbow before the tendon is reattached. In others, the incision is made at the back of the elbow. The tendon may be reattached with stitches through holes drilled in the radius bone. Other patients may have the most success when the tendon is reattached using small metal implants. Our team will perform a full assessment to help determine which methods will work best for you. However, it is important to remember that any surgical procedure comes with risks.

Contact Us   

If you’ve recently suffered a bicep tendon rupture, you must seek out care from a team well versed in this injury. At the New York Sports Medicine Institute, we’ve helped patients overcome this injury before. Our team can perform the operation needed to repair any damage before any lasting effects take place. Please contact us today to schedule your much-needed appointment so you can take the first step of recovery.