Understanding Frozen Shoulder: Causes and Treatment Options

Understanding Frozen Shoulder: Causes and Treatment Options

Frozen shoulder, a condition scientifically known as adhesive capsulitis, is a debilitating ailment that affects the shoulder joint, causing stiffness, pain, and restricted mobility. At New York Sports Medicine Institute, our expert orthopedic surgeon will delve into the intricacies of frozen shoulder, exploring its causes and unveiling effective treatment options. Continue reading to discover more! 

Unraveling the Causes of Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder doesn’t discriminate; it can affect anyone, but understanding its underlying causes is crucial for effective management. Inflammation within the shoulder joint’s capsule is a common trigger. This inflammation can result from various factors, including prolonged immobility due to injury or surgery, underlying medical conditions like diabetes, or even unknown reasons.

The Role of Orthopedic Surgeons in Frozen Shoulder Treatment

Orthopedic surgeons play a pivotal role in diagnosing and treating frozen shoulder. These experts specialize in musculoskeletal conditions, making them well-equipped to tackle the complexities of adhesive capsulitis. When seeking treatment, consulting with an orthopedic surgeon ensures a tailored approach based on a thorough assessment of the patient’s medical history, lifestyle, and the severity of the condition.

Diagnosing Frozen Shoulder

Accurate diagnosis is the linchpin of effective frozen shoulder management. Orthopedic surgeons employ a multifaceted approach, combining clinical evaluation, medical imaging, and sometimes, even arthroscopy to get a comprehensive understanding of the condition. This precise diagnosis lays the foundation for a personalized treatment plan.

Treatment Options

Therapeutic Exercise: A Cornerstone in Frozen Shoulder Rehabilitation

Therapeutic exercise emerges as a cornerstone in the treatment of frozen shoulder. Tailored exercises, guided by skilled therapists, aim to improve flexibility and reduce stiffness in the shoulder joint. Patients are guided through a progressive regimen, ensuring a gradual but steady improvement in mobility.

Medications: Alleviating Pain and Inflammation

Orthopedic surgeons may prescribe medications to manage pain and inflammation associated with frozen shoulder. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids can be instrumental in providing relief, contributing to an overall improvement in the patient’s quality of life.

Joint Distension: Easing the Strain

In cases where conservative approaches prove insufficient, orthopedic surgeons may recommend joint distension. This procedure involves injecting sterile water into the joint capsule, stretching it and reducing stiffness. While not without risks, joint distension can be a game-changer for those grappling with severe frozen shoulder symptoms.

Surgical Intervention

For patients who don’t see results from non-invasive treatment measures, surgical intervention may be considered. Our orthopedic surgeon at New York Sports Medicine Institute may opt for procedures like manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) or arthroscopic capsular release to alleviate the constraints of the tightened capsule. These interventions aim to restore range of motion and alleviate pain, providing a viable solution when other avenues fall short.

Empowering Patients with Knowledge

Understanding frozen shoulder empowers individuals to take proactive measures in their treatment journey. From adopting a targeted exercise routine to adhering to prescribed medications, informed patients can actively contribute to their recovery.

Contact New York Sports Medicine Institute: Navigating the Path to Recovery

Frozen shoulder poses a formidable challenge, but with the guidance of experienced orthopedic surgeons and a commitment to personalized treatment plans, individuals can navigate the path to recovery. This guide has provided a glimpse into the causes, diagnosis, and treatment options for frozen shoulder, shedding light on a condition that, with the right approach, can be effectively managed. At New York Sports Medicine Institute, our dedicated orthopedic surgeon is committed to providing high-quality care to help individuals overcome their frozen shoulder and lead healthier and more active lives. Be sure to contact us today to learn more about our treatment options and request an appointment for care!