What Are My Treatment Options Following Hip Dislocation?

treatment with hip doctor in nyc

In need of a hip doctor NYC to help treat your pain following a dislocation? Dr. Neil Roth at NYSMI is here to help you. Contact us today and continue reading to find out more. 

What is a Hip Dislocation?

The hip is the largest weight-bearing joint in the body. Powerful muscles such as the glutes, quads, and hamstrings all connect to the hips and allow us to be active with movements such as running, climbing, and jumping. This joint is crucial in many pursuits whether it be playing sports or getting through everyday activities. However, unfortunate incidents may occur where the hip can become dislocated. Hip dislocations are most often the result of motor vehicle crashes but are also frequently seen after a high-impact fall, a workplace injury, or a sports injury. It can lead to serious, lifelong complications if not treated as soon as possible which is why it is critical to get treatment if you end up with a hip dislocation.

By seeing a hip doctor NYC like one at New York Sports Medicine Institute, we can properly diagnose any hip pain to see if it may be due to hip dislocation and provide you with the proper treatment for recovery. NYSMI has three convenient locations in New York City, White Plains, and Paramus, and our team is eager to help you so that you can feel your best.

Symptoms of a Hip Dislocation

Experiencing hip pain can be a sign of many different conditions and it is important to speak to a hip doctor NYC to understand the root of the issue. Some of the most common signs of hip dislocation include but are not limited to:

  • Severe hip pain when the affected leg is moved 
  • Abnormality walking
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Numbness or weakness on the side of the hip dislocation
  • Visible deformity of the leg. When a deformity occurs it is often the knee and foot pointing towards the midline of the body, but can be seen in other ways.

A hip dislocation often happens simultaneously with high-force trauma and life-threatening injuries may be seen in addition to the hip being out of place. Although not always this severe, it’s important to look out for these signs and find medical care immediately if any of these symptoms are present in conjunction with a hip dislocation:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Loss of Consciousness
  • Clear traumatic injuries

Diagnosing the Issue

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, seeing a hip doctor NYC is necessary so that they can assess the issue. One thing they may do is a physical examination where they can observe any possible abnormalities or atypical positioning in the hip. They may also conduct an X-Ray, MRI and/or CT scan to see imaging of the hip to get a clearer look or confirm their diagnosis. 

Treatments Options for a Hip Dislocation

Depending on the severity of the hip dislocation, different treatment options will be best suited for different cases. In a simple hip dislocation without any broken bones or further injuries, an orthopedist can usually push the ball back in by hand while the patient is under anesthesia. In a more serious case such as when the socket, femur, or pelvis as some examples is broken, surgery will be done to either repair the broken bones or replace the natural hip with an artificial one. No matter what treatment is done, physical therapy is usually a required and important part of the recovery process to help regain strength and improve range of motion in the hip and the muscles surrounding it. 

Here at NYSMI, we offer several services to help you recover swiftly and effectively. A member from our team will be able to create a customized treatment plan for your condition. Our orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists are highly regarded and we can assure you that you are in the best hands for help.

Contact A Hip Doctor NYC 

If you or someone you know is looking for a hip joint specialist after a hip dislocation, look no further than New York Sports Medicine Institute. At NYSMI we are prepared and dedicated to providing you with the highest quality care. We understand that dealing with hip dislocation can be uncomfortable and even worrisome, but our team of professionals is here to help you feel comfortable and are here to assure you that you will get the best treatment you need. Visit our website for more information about what we do or to request an appointment today. We look forward to hearing from you!